October 30, 2008

What is AdBrite?

What is AdBrite?

If you still remember, I wrote about AdBrite not long time ago. You can view it here. But, it was just a brief explanation of AdBrite. Basically, AdBrite is the place where you sell some ad spaces from your blog. Then, advertiser will decide whether they want to advertise in your blog or not. Everything is done for you. You just have to wait for the money to knock on your door if someone buy your ad space.

Before I use AdSense for this blog, I was monetizing this blog by AdBrite. This was because I cannot apply for AdSense at that time due to some restricted content. After I’ve made some changes, then finally I got AdSense and applied it to this blog.

How much money will I earn from AdBrite?

It depends on you and your blog. You are the one who put the price for every ad displayed at your blog. If you are not so sure about the price, just refer to other publishers’ price and make some changes to suit your blog ads.

If you have a large traffic, let say about 500 unique visitors per day, then you should have a better bargain. Like this blog, I only have like 40 unique visitors per day. So, I can’t expect to sell an ad space for $10 a day.

Does AdBrite for you?

If you want to earn more money in addition to AdSense, then this is the answer. Just set it to non-contextual, then you should be fine. If not, you may face a cancellation of AdSense account.

Just be patient because you cannot expect to have your ad space sold tomorrow, unless you have a really famous blog.

I will come up with some tips for AdBrite in the future. So, do come back for updates.

P.S. If you are interested to advertise your link at this blog, just click on this link or the link ‘Your Ad Here’ at the side bar. Hurry up while the price is still very cheap!


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