October 31, 2008

Optimization Tips for Adbrite

Adbrite is not contextual like Adsense, so the click through rate is a bit low. The best option with adbrite is the full-page advertisement and the in-text advertisement. I have tested adbrite recently and got nice clicks from the in-text ads. Since my site is full of content so the in-text ads work good. The full-page ads are usually impression based, and my traffic is not that huge, so I did not make much with the full-page CPM ads.

So, to start with here are a few steps to maximize your adbrite earnings.


Un-check the auto-approve of ads, and don’t approve ads below 10 cents.

Give a nice description of your website, remember most of the advertisers you will catch from the adbrite market place.

Get the big rectangles, as that is the best performing ads for any network.

Put up as many tags as you can, in the keywords field. Use the dictionary if you run out of keywords.

Make the color of the ads text and background same as rest of your website.

If the ads are a banner, only approve the really high CPC ads, like 50 cents or more, and for CPM ads banner, choose max you can.

These basic steps will improve your earnings a lot. In the next post I will review bidvertiser.


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